Seaview Wildlife Encounter enables all age groups to come into contact with a wide range of birds and animals during our ‘Hands-on’ Wildlife presentations.
For the Health and Safety of our visitors, it is important that the guidelines listed below are strictly adhered to:

  • All visitors are requested to read and adhere to notices and signs around the Park – these are in place for the safety of adults and children alike.

  • Please respect barriers and fences - these are in place for the safety of both visitors and animals. Some of our animals/parrots may bite, please take particular care not to stick fingers through the wire mesh at the Otters' enclosure, at the Parrots' Big Flight Aviary or into the Penguin enclosure (unless under the direction of a Keeper).

  • “Appointed Person” First Aid personnel are on duty during visiting hours. First Aid stations are located at the Main Entrance Reception and the Gift Shop.

  • Fire Assembly points are located in the main car park area and outside Pelican Bay.

  • Regular checks are carried out on Park equipment and grounds.

  • Please be aware that there are numerous areas of unfenced, open water and free roaming livestock.

  • It is essential that children (ages 3-15 inclusive) are supervised by a responsible adult at all times during visits to the Park and that Health & Safety guidelines are strictly adhered to. 

  • All visitors are asked to respect all our living creatures. The Park is home to many species of birds, animals, fish and reptiles that can be easily frightened. Visitors are requested not to run in the Park and not to frighten animals by shouting, or throwing anything into their enclosures. Please walk on the designated pathways and do not climb on or over any fences. 

  • Please note that Duck food (available to buy in paper bags at Main Entrance Reception) is only to be fed to ducks, geese and swans - it can be harmful if fed to any other birds or animals.

  • We ask that if student groups would like to browse in our Gift Shop that they do so in small groups of 10-15 at a time - thank you.

  • Bins are provided around the Park for litter. Please take only photographs and leave only footprints.

  • We trust that your visit will be a fun and memorable one - and will lead to many happy returns!